blogs , internacionales , videos jueves, 16 noviembre 2006

Papá Bush contra los blogs

En ALT1040 leo que George Bush padre culpa a los bloggers por el «feo» clima político en Gringolandia (supongo que se refiere a la victoria de los demócratas).

Además reveló que su hijo, el presidente W., no usa e-mail por miedo a que lo fuercen a probar «que estuvo diciendo la verdad y cosas como esa». El vídeo y la transcripción, cortesía de Think Progress:


H.W. BUSH: You worry about it (Bush not using email). People are going to subpoena the email records and we are going to, you know, you’ve gotta prove that you were telling the truth and all this stuff. I mean, it’s gotten so adversarial that it’s ugly.

ENTREVISTADORA: Why do you think it’s gotten so adversarial? (…).

H.W. BUSH: It’s true but that’s not new really. I mean, you go back in history and you’ll find that there was always adversarial politics. There was always gut fighting. And it’s probably a little worse now given the electronic media and the bloggers and all these kinds of things. But I don’t despair about it. I think things — there is a pendulum at work at times so you swing away from the incivility back to more normal climate.

Ok, ok. Prometo dejar de mirar el ombligo de los blogs en los próximos posts.

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