economía , internacionales , periodismo jueves, 26 febrero 2009

Gringos rojos

newsweek_somos_socialistasEsta ya es pasadita, pero en nuestro ombligo nunca prestamos atención a la prensa extranjera. Se trata de la portada del Newsweek de hace un par de semanas:

The U.S. government has already—under a conservative Republican administration—effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. That seems a stronger sign of socialism than $50 million for art. Whether we want to admit it or not—and many, especially Congressman Pence and Hannity, do not—the America of 2009 is moving toward a modern European state.

El artículo está escrito en modo de desahuevina. Como diciéndoles a los gringos, ya, despierten, no alucinen más que somos algo que ya no somos, ahora somos casi franceses.

Polls show that Americans don’t trust government and still don’t want big government. They do, however, want what government delivers, like health care and national defense and, now, protections from banking and housing failure. (…)

The answer may indeed be more government. In the short run, since neither consumers nor business is likely to do it, the government will have to stimulate the economy. And in the long run, an aging population and global warming and higher energy costs will demand more government taxing and spending..

El artículo completo aquí y algunas reacciones (en español, descuiden) aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí.

Link: Elija su crisis (Mirko Lauer)
P.S.: ¡El gobierno gringo se vuelve el principal accionista del Citigroup!