noticias sábado, 12 agosto 2006

Al Jazeera vs. Alan García vs. Hugo Chávez

Aljazeera.netAyer se publicó un simpático artículo en la web de Al Jazeera, la ya legendaria televisora privada árabe.

Es un texto de su corresponsal en Latinoamérica, Dima Khatib, sobre «el enfrentamiento García-Chávez». Aunque ofrece una visión relativamente equilibrada de ambos líderes, vale leer detenidamente los siguientes extractos (a su vez destacados por los editores de la cadena árabe) :

«They (los pobres del sur peruano) viewed Garcia as an unwanted ghost from a grim past, and Humala as a hope for a better future where they would finally get a slice of a cake previously eaten solely by the rich.

(…) Had the Peruvian electoral system been based on a single round, Humala would have won. Had it been based on electoral colleges, as in the US, Humala still would have won.»

La verdad, el último párrafo es un buena observación (por eso los gringos tienen que sufrir a Bush). Presten atención también a la última oración del siguiente bloque:

«Garcia was still subject to investigations and lawsuits before the election. Survivors and relatives of victims of what is known as the Fronton Massacre had hoped to sue him for allegedly ordering the killing of hundreds of unconvicted prisoners in 1986.

The story never got the attention of a media too busy talking about what atrocities his rival would commit if he were to become president. Now, as president, Garcia has full immunity from any legal and judicial action in Peru.»

Lo que me recuerda… ¿en qué habrá quedado la investigación fiscal sobre Madre Mía?